Saturday, 29 September 2007

Bungalow Rental Koh Samui Thailand

For just 1,000 baht a night you can rent a gorgeous basic beachfront location on the idyllic beach of Ban Po in Koh Samui Thailand. There are no TV's, Phonelines, dvd players etc- But there is all the facilities you can possible need for a relaxing few days break - A hammock, the sea less than 50 metres from your door and a kayak should you feel you need some exercise! - Along the beach are fabulous local restaurants. No need to dress up here, just simply relax and enjoy the experience of living on the beach.

The bungalow is quite popular as it is owned by Dorien, the owner of this blog, so to add to the sensational value of this property is the fact it was previously doriens home for 10 years, so is filled with a beautiful energy -

Dorien lives right next door, so do plan ahead and take the time to have some sessions with her- For more details, visit her website

I have stayed in this bungalow on many occasions and experienced mind blowing changes to my whole persona after just a couple of days staying there- The beauty, the peace the stillness that comes to life is unbelievable, you have to try it to believe it - And of course my favourite just has to be the hammock, which once you do fathoom out how to get in it, you most certainly will not want to get out of it! -



Friday, 28 September 2007

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Edges of the Ego

Hello my friends. I woke up at 4:30 resisting writing (what else is new) and now am so happy to have it. Amazing how it applies to everyone equally.Dah i guess cause we're all One.

I"m SO EXCITED because i GOT my true CALLING, my JOB DESCRIPTION in Life. Not just my purpose but also what i want to get paid for. I AM AN APPRECIATOR. Yep that's me. See it's a play on words too. I can help other appreciate (as in add value to) their lives. O.K. now we're talking.
Love to you. Hope this writing helps,
Appreciator Extrordinare.

Good morning beloved, we are, as always pleased to be focused in conscious communication.

All the edges of the ego are being smoothed away and there is a lessening of external resistance expressing itself. On the plane of personality this is all that can be hopped for, a whittling away of interference with "what is". More importantly, this all that is necessary for a life that is in service to Source and Its True Self.

Your mantra must be "Heaven is here now and no where else...ever". If it is not your experience, you are not focusing on what is real. Hell is here now and no where else...too. Your experience of either one lies in your unwavering commitment to choice. The miraculous quality of the mind is that it is capable of thinking only of one thing at a time. You are in control of that choice...and not much more.

If you stubborning insist that conditions change in order to realize your happiness , than that resistance to what is will keep you in hell here now. The contraction that comes from disappointment with your current experience then precludes the uplifted vibration necessary for change to occur. Literally, beloved, you must let go of hell and allow heaven here now. So simple, so profound, so practical, and yet seemingly so impossible for this planet.

The navigational mechanism that makes this journey from hell to heaven is found in feelings. Pay attention to the minds insistence of, or resistance to Existence. The heart holds the secret of surrender. Simply shift awareness away from the mind and into embracing the miracle of this moment. Absolute allowance of all that Is, as it Is, aligns your vibration with Source as Self. This is not a resignation, but rather a reorienting of reality through your non reactive responses.

Each time you consciously let go and let it be as it is, your egos edges are sanded down by the process of surrender. Then the next encounter you have with similar external conditions will no longer "catch" on the jagged corners created through your previous contractions and infantile tantrums. Without these edges you form a more seamless relationship with reality expressing as ISNESS.

Even though this is the simplest process imaginable, while in its throws it will be perceived by the ego as unbearably painful. Good, this is the purpose of pain, to wear away the edges of illusion. It is a humbling, solitary practice of sitting still and letting the distance between what IS and what is Wanted, literally eat away at your ego identity. Eventually, after enough of these emotionally charged exchanges occur, you find yourself. Free. You will have direct experience that all suffering is a simple misunderstanding of the mind believing itself to be who you truly are.

Here is a hint...
Gratitude is the gateway
that gets,
all ways

Monday, 10 September 2007

Good morning beloved. As always we are glad to be in communion. Everyone is always having the experience they have chosen as a consequence of previous choices. There are no exceptions on earth, but the time lags between choice and consequence can appear to contradict this. Rest assured, it is as predictable as a mathematical equation. If you do not enjoy or no longer resonate with the results you are currently experiencing then change the consciousness that controls and ultimately calls them to you.

The world is not getting better. There can be no progress in hell. There can be no real progress in a place where the collective conscience is quite literally consumed by scarcity regardless of how much material substance it continues to make. It is a black hole sucking those things that allow the ego to exchange your energy for its gratification. How horrific! How terrible! What shall we do? Laugh, really only laugh. It is a great cosmic joke, so relax and enjoy it all. In Reality, of course, nothing comes of anything here, and none of this has ever even happened. But that does not mean your choices do not count. On the contrary, beloved, Trine is learning to modulate her harmonic resonance in extreme situations, rather than allowing the extremes of her situations to modulate her harmonics.

This is for certain: there is no failure possible, all things are moving toward what is meaningful and most valuable for the evolution of the entirety of earth as well as each individual consciousness. You cannot ever be abandoned, but you are always free to deny your true nature and natural inclinations--for a while. The most essential lesson in life is learning what is true, and what is real.

This is your journey and nothing can ever be wrong. How you choose to accomplish this is always your decision. You have chosen to dive deeply into each experience and eventually each will serve to enlighten you. Everyone on earth is looking and longing for heaven, a place that feels like home here now to your Being. Your wisdom, your way is unique. You cannot preempt your own path. You will prevail, beloved, but not without the battle scares that are visible and will remind you of which way illusion lies and reality rests...assured.

Only one lesson is left--to trust your True Self, to love yourself deeply and completely regardless of the circumstances. Reality re orders around this Truth. All else is illusion, only love lives.

When i said I AM the Way, the Truth and the Light. I meant it literally I AM is the Self illuminated, elevated, and celebrated.


Now you have the beginning place, the starting point of what would be worthy of you and your Source to share with a world of your making. Awaken first to your own Isness in this moment and make that sufficient. The ego wants impressive, impossible, grandiose gestures of giving. But this sets up a sense of never being satisfied. Instead, simply be wholly and truly present to the goodness of this second. Become holy immersed in the sufficiency regardless of the illusion of suffering and sacrifice that stares you in the face.

If it feels in any way like a sacrifice to give, then this cannot be the space from which you share. Find your own sufficiency, your true fullness, your being and then share this. To become a being of sharing? What does this mean? Literally, to share your Source of Being. Be as you are and know that this is enough. Love the self unconditionally, unceaslingly and for one holy instant feel eternity as I AM. This then can be safely shared as a spilling over of Sourceness.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Ego as the Echo

Morning beloved. anytime you feel frustrated, as you do now, you must assume it is time to stop and soothe yourself. This feeling of irritation and resistance to connecting, is the essence of what ego seeks through your separation from source. The only thing to do in order to alleviate this internal condition is to simply turn your attention inward and consciously care.

You can only kill the ego with kindness, compassion and concern. This is the unconditional love that all children seek and never find. What is felt instead within the child is fault. You are at fault. It is your fault. And it is unfair. You feel faulty, which is another way of saying, you are wrong or guilty. Fault is also another word for gap or separation. So it is a way the ego has of distancing you from the source of your own wholeness.

Your only job is one of reversal, to refuse to treat yourself in anyway as you were treated by your own parents. Your ego is only an echo of the disregarded, unattended child. This echo mimics the still small voice within you, but its intention and vibration are very different. An echo can be easily ignored, politely interrupted, and earnestly questioned. It can be wholly embraced as an aspect of the self that has been previously stifled and shunned. It can be coaxed into see things from a more elevated perspective.

This false identity has taken on your conditioned personality and you now mistakenly believe yourself to be IT. Yet, since separation is its goal and guilt is its result any attempt on your part to push it away, or disown it only guarantees its success. The only way you can win over this intimate enemy is to unconditionally accept, forgive and love it while absolutely remaining resolute in your real identity as Awakened Awareness.

Ego only exists as the echo of the unresolved past and the eternally fantasized future. This is the disease of distraction from which your planet suffers. It assures that you are never present, accountable or available to what is always here now.
Reversal of the error of ego is easy if you are awake enough to witness and not defend what is presented. Simply stay tuned to the Truth of your Being and you will witness what has been passing for the voice of god. This "me" is only a powerless impersonator who will easily dissolve if you lovingly include it into your true identity. It is literally your anti-child or the anti christ who is only asking for unconditional acknowledgement without judgement. It is time to put to rest what has caused the war within your own Oneness. This echo is a microcoism of the fallen angel. The ego is the misunderstood, rejected angel who now wants only to be welcomed back by the Father and acknowledged as the Prodigal Son, forgiven, accepted, healed and wholly loved.

Now, no matter what, only love.
No matter what, only love.
No matter now...only love.
No matter.

Only love.

Monday, 28 May 2007

All Isness is Oneness

Good morning Beloved. Oneness is now the only way up and out. Joining with all that appears to be other than you brings you both back to being whole and holds the resonance for which you have always longed...home. Home is not a place or a destination it is a dedicated quality, a feeling tone from which everything is balanced within your being.

The egos entire existence is formed from out of a sense of separation. It achieves this separation through judgement that leads to a sense of superiority. Yet this is such insanity because beloved, you cannot be better than the essence of your own Being. Everything you perceive is part and parcel, wave and particle, essence and substance of yourself.

One Source, one self seeing it all as something separate and apart. The ego enjoys your consternation and confusion. It continuously feeds your sense of suspicion of all the myriad reflective pieces called by you as "other people" so that it can remain your sole advisor.

If you wish to remain in hell then by all means continue listening to how to live from the guidance given by the ego. In truth it is not serious, except for your own endless struggle and self imposed suffering. Actually, if you could distance yourself sufficiently you would find it amusing to watch as you are repeatedly repelled by the parts of yourself projected outward and then reacting as if you do not remember who you are and that this is a reality you yourself have chosen.

You know how funny it is at first when someone ties a can to a dogs tail and the dog then reacts trying to get away from itself. The faster it goes the more the struggle the more insane it appears and the more frightened the dog becomes. But help cannot intervene until it is exhausted and stops running. At a certain point, of course, it is no longer amusing. You and all your reflective pieces of this reality are at that precise point.

This is why you and Trine and David are in an experience that appears to be, by society's standards, without benefit of reward or recognition. Of course, precisely the opposite is true, it is an opportunity to know that there are no distinctions or hierarchies in these positions. Humility happens when external appearances are dropped and recognition of the self is seen in everyone and everything.

Wholeness is all you have ever wanted, yet separation is all you are ever allowed to see. Let yourself stop so you can let the Truth sink in. Ego insists you become "some body" in order to maintain its' illusion of superior separation, but always there is the underlying feeling of never Being good enough. It is essential that you instead feel yourself as already and always good enough in every situation so that you become the reflection for others of their own perfection regardless of the circumstances which appear to separate and seem to humiliate you.

Drop and join, be present and grateful, whole and humble, here and now...Home.

Saturday, 19 May 2007

Two minutes away from Heaven

Good morning beloved. We would again like to reiterate the reason that God does not judge you EVER... is because you literally cannot be seen in any way other than the one in which you were created. You were created in God;s image.. unconditional innocence.

NOthing is missing from you and every aspect of your being is already Holy as I Am. Yet your power is so absolute that what ever you say or experience about your self is so. This gap between your perceived personality and your true identity is the abyss conceived of by the ego to convince you of the separation between self and your own eternal Source.

It is this illusionary image rather than your real identity that the ego must continually feed with false evidence if it is to remain in control of your consciousness. It would have you believe that you must run from the very thing for which you search and has the capacity to restore you. This is a wholly insane cycle that must stop.

Stop the insatiable need to seek relief outside of your self and instead simply stop every impulse to run, to indulge, to react, to resist.Sit still for two minutes. Within that two minutes you will witness what is actually occurring and who it is that has for your entire life been directing you. It is a simple and enormously effective means of deconstructing the ego while simultaneously restore you back to your Source of sanity.

Free will is the great gift given by God. We beseech you to explore this alternative to the ego's insistence that you indulge its demands distraction. Take this Holy break and become free. You are only two minutes away from everything you have ever wanted. Whenever you hear that voice which overrides your own internal knowingness, simply stop for two minutes and witness a release from resistance and a restoration of reality.

When that intolerable internal feeling of wrongness begins to be felt and then the command comes to drink, smoke, eat, drug, speak, spend, react, and generally run from it, instead STOP and Question the validity of that voice. Stop, be still, sense the feeling fully and allow this fearless confrontation to actually consume the enemy within. It will be a painful process for two minutes as the ego struggles to resume its domination and control. After two minutes you will be free to choose a better way.

This is the simple solution to the self sabotaging source of all your suffering. Within two minutes your wholeness and true identity will be restored. It is time to stop your individually indulged dramatic hysterics that are responsible for the plague of rage upon this planet.
Refuse to add one more ounce of reactive energy to the already over burden collective consciousness responsible for the epidemic egoic excesses and atrocities that are threatening all life.

It is time to courageously confront what has driven you away from a Source within which has the power to save you. This two minute reprieve can deliver you from the self imposed hell of an insatiable ego to the peace of true presence. Stop and see what happens.
You can do it;
we can help.

Friday, 18 May 2007

Becoming out of Character

Good morning beloved, everything is in place to provide the final push towards your own and everyone else's evolutionary ascension. What does this mean? How will it appear? Extraordinary occurrences are about to make themselves seen. New discoveries that seem to defy and in some cases contract scientific principles previously believed to be Laws of nature are making themselves known.

There are beings who are beginning to emerge who are capable of feats never before witnessed on earth and are thought of as magicians since there appears to be no logical or rational explanation for their abilities. The mind will literally boggle at the spectacle and this is precisely the purposed.

These people are being called to come forth to prove that there are no limitations and that the prophecy "these things you shall do and more", is about to be made manifest. These are to be considered as natural miracles and not egoic manipulations for the purpose of mesmerizing mankind into abuses of power.

Instead, these feats will literally activate within the brain an ability to rise above what was previously believed to be possible. Be prepared to behave in new, unexpected and expanded ways. You will find yourselves acting out of character in very positive ways. Situations which before were justified will no longer for even one more second be tolerated. Instead, seemingly rash and impulsive decision will be effortlessly enacted with clarity and decisiveness.

As this occurs do not undermine the energetic current or flow you find yourself in by doubting or distrusting the decision. Instead, feel the new found sense of freedom and heightened sense of empowerment. You are beginning to break the chains of conditional behavior based in fear and contraction.

You will feel a sense of extraordinary exhilaration as you experience and encourage your own evolutionary ascension in the most mundane and ordinary ways. But be not deceived these new behaviors are every bit as awesome as walking on water or feeding the multitudes. Remember all miracles are maximal one is not more impressive as another except to the ego.

Continue to be called toward your own transformation by being awed by your own astonishing acts out of character. Considering who you once thought yourself to be...getting out of character is a considerable and instant improvement. More and more you will witness in wonder your own internal shift in attitude and then instantly translate this into action. The sense of exhilaration that comes from these experiences will propel you towards your destiny effortlessly.

Be on the look out for others who are also acting out of character and who are equally amazed by there own attitudinal accomplishments. What you are witnessing whether you are aware of it or not is the polar shift in consciousness of a portion of the population who have been preparing for this leap of faith into the next level of without the self imposed limitation.

ENJOY every incredible experience knowing that each one is encouraging more energetic pathways in your etheric bodies to cellularly uplevel yourselves. ENTHUSIASM is the miraculous chemical elixir that can alter your physical reality and lead you home.

You are the master magicians who are shifting consciousness back into the pure ocean of creation from which it was conceived. A rebirth into total Being as I Am.

Saturday, 12 May 2007

All about animals

Beloved, these are questions which have concerned kind and conscious people on your planet forever. Do animals have an evolving soul? Do they reincarnate? What is our obligation to them?

Firstly, we will say that humans have it backwards in their exaggerated sense of self importance concerning the care and attention shown to their pets. Animals are uniquely able to and prefer to provide for themselves. They are designed by God to thrive on earth's nature. They have their own ways and when not preempted or interfered with it serves then better than humans can possible imagine. They know who they are. They have their own ways.

If you would but watch without a need from the ego to intervene or interpret, you would all be given a superb lesson in the simplicity inherent in the cycle of life without suffering. But all too often there is an unconscious and compulsory addiction on your part to project your own unintegrated needs and neurosis onto your pets. In other words the way you relate to and perceive your pets are just plain silly. In most cases this causes no serious problems and most often animals are only too happy to oblige and indulge your sentimental fantasies since it seems to mean so much to you.

Animals, all animals are more evolved than your own species. They are masters of being in the moment, they are masters of absolute acceptance of what IS, they are capable of pure unconditional love, while simultaneously being totally detached, ruthlessly honest and taking nothing personally.

Yet your own social conditioning causes them confusion and often they are forced to take own your own emotional neurosis. Yet it is their very nature and sense of freedom which instinctively draws you to them. How amusing then to watch as you confine and domesticate their essence.

Pele came to you during a time of intense internal struggle so that you might have a friend who personified wildness and abandon. These qualities were needed in you to balance your intense sense of obligation and duty. Pele was brought to you as a balance to your very being. You know in your heart in ways not always acknowledged that you are both complete. He is clearer than you. He is showing you that it is time to take care of yourself and to stop trying to save those who are fully able to fend for themselves.

Trust that what you feel so strongly in yourself is being communicated telepathically by him. Write down all the attributes and characteristics he has brought into your life and through your time together. These are what you are to take with you. Pele has provided you with soul shifting service. He is asking to be free and to find his own nature in his own ways. He will not suffer in this separation only your sense of sentimentality will do that.

It is time to let go of what you can no longer, and never have been able to control. It is time to pull back your own projections and simply allow all things to Be as they are. Let them teach you instead of you taking care of them. It is time to let things BE.

Saturday, 21 April 2007

GPS directional Systems

Good morning beloved.

We can feel your resistance to writing, to going back to a Source you are not sure of, and that the world will not validate. But, beloved which One will you choose? Did you seriously think in the coming days of consequences for choices taken on earth, you would not be called to take a stand? Your most cherished beliefs are about to be challenged for the purpose of transformational change. You are about to be asked to become accountable to either the light or the darkness in an attempt to see another way of being. You are about to be asked to disregard the most horrific illusion imaginable spawned out of an insatiable ego in favor of the resonance of reality you wish to be real. In other words, what is it you will empower with your energy?

You can feel it in your heart. You can feel it in every fiber of your Being. You have been in training for this precise and pivotal moment. What did you think you were doing with all your growth groups, yoga, meditation, and books? You are about to do battle with the Opponent within yourself.

Unconditional love is not an easy, sentimental experience. Nor is it an excuse for behavior which does not uphold the highest integrity of the entity. It is not a free pass from the consequences of actions chosen. It is an invitation extended by the Divine in service to the Truth of who you ultimately are. God does not judge you because God cannot see you in any other way than the one in which you were It is easy to love without judgement when every aspect of your being not in keeping with your divine nature is rendered invisible.

Each and every one of you have a moral responsibility to be a loving parent to your bodies and to nurture the essence of the life force living through you in this incarnation. This is the minimum daily requirement and everything on earth is ultimately attempting to assist you in this endeavor. Do not intervene in Trine's attempt to assist herself. Trine is your addiction, she is your distraction; do not feed it, and do not indulge it. Instead, stay still and see what is real.

Did you seriously think your test in the desert would be a group of seductive dancing girls? The ego is insidious, it knows where you are the weakest and most vulnerable. It invokes the greatest illusion in order to entice you into its web of deception. This is your test. Trust yourself. Trust God. Trust Trine. If you empower her own perception as someone who is constantly in need, she will by law, have to validate this expectation through her experience.

It is time to let everyone own the consequences of their egoic experiences. This you do not in judgement or with a sense of superiority, but as a natural process of evolution toward their own enlightenment. How do you know what is needed? You can only know what you need. A good mother supports the strongest love and the absolute knowing that her child is with God at all times. Letting go and allowing everyone to experience what ever it is they need in order to evolve into who they truly are, is unconditional love.

Trine is not your daughter, she is a child of God. Do not give her an inferior identity just because you are unable to ignore your guilt. Guilt is the egos version of love. Can you really be thinking of walking into hell with the resonance you hold? If you go you will be acknowledging and validating the ego's illusion of hell for not only Trine, but all those who are held hostage with her.

Instead, wait and see what happens if you hold a space in heaven as a sanctuary extended through peace. Heaven is always available, but not all are ready to receive it. This then is the entire purpose of the world, to ready you for what is real. Heaven, is a choice that must be valued. Unconditional love is selfless, it has no expectations of outcomes and takes no actions for or against anything. Ultimately it is in service to the evolving soul but, always at the expense of the egoic small self.

Stand strong in heaven and from here extend a hand into hell. Like a gpa system that gives directions to those who are lost, you must be in a place of certainty about the destination. Get comfortable beloved, you are about to be crucified by your conditioning and those who uphold the illusion.

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Unending unconditional eternally evolving love

Again we are gladdened to be with you. The intensity you experience each moment is a result of your own past conditioning. This is another way of saying you are trapped by what you have previously experienced, imprisoned by what you perceive rather than directly experiencing the reality that is always also available. This is the dilemma of density and also the very purpose of your existence this lifetime; undoing this unconscious conspiracy with the ego and healing the world of the collateral damage it has caused.

The way this is accomplished is simply to stand back, distancing yourself from what appears to be so real, but is actually only a residual of the past, and allow the Holy Spirit (your authentic self) to orchestrate an intervention of sanity. One second of clarity can shift the entire sequence of events creating sufficient space so that sanity is restored/resurrected. First, you need only accept unconditionally "what is". Acknowledge it as it is without ego interference and insistance that it is unaccpetable. Then when that peace of non resistance occurs, who you really are is freed from the prison of previous conditioning to see it differently and choose again. This is where miracles reside. Now you have an opportunity to open to Truth and invoke a new beginning; another way of Being.

This becomes the Crossway in the Trine at the Center of the Spiral that gives you the ability to ascend from the density of the dead past. You are literally lifting your DNA up from a downward depressive decline, into an upward ascension climb. Every time you choose again rather than allowing the ego to react unconsciously from it's previously conditioned behavior you have freed, not only yourself, but simultaneously are in service to the whole of the unseen.

This is no small feat, not an undertaking for the weak of heart, or the anemic of spirit. Therefore, expect to be met with huge opposition, not by any force outside of yourself, but by the Opponent within. You cannot fail, however, for your freedom and ultimate victory have always been assured. Know This; the outcome is no longer in doubt. Access that knowingness within that you are moving toward a future already foretold. See the end first and then ask yourself what steps should/would/could be taken to arrive at that destination.

So, in this scenario, the ends not only justify the means and methods, they are actually shaped from them. The only difference NOW is that the goal is Creational in Nature; peace, joy, health, happiness and a deep desire to share it with all. In short moving toward God, Here the ends and the means of their manifestation must be One. No separation between means and ends are possible on the plane where this plan prevails. Therefore when these are your only goals you simply surrender your small self to a greater guidance system that is eternally preset to yours and everyone else's Highest Good regardless of what the appearance to the contrary may be.Shut your eyes and sense within what is so. See the vision from within and then ACT in alignment with the VIBRATION of that outcome.

You can do it,
we can help,
home is here now,
choose again and
free yourself to see
what is real.

Friday, 13 April 2007

Keeping Promises with unending unconditional love forever

Good Easter morning beloved.

How many times have we been together to celebrate this arising of the Son/sun on this special day? How powerful it is this year when everything is in question and yet also simultaneously without doubt. The scale has tipped toward the transcended and now upon this glorious of days when the entire world is in a celebratory vibration the gains are even greater.

Easter, Passover, springtime, resurrection, rebirth and rejoicing these are the only things to remember and to allow your mind to be concerned with. A renewal which happens each and every moment you choose to focus your attention on what is new and always alive.

So it is no accident you are currently involved with the illusionary appearance of death and demise. The ego has needed to up its ante in order to continue its reign of terror. But this is the truest test for what is ultimately most real. What your eyes perceive is only a remnant of reality, a cinder of perception. It is your purpose to perceive it differently then demand and dictated by the ego.

Where, beloved do you have your focus; on form or on its freedom, on death or its resurrection, on limitation or liberation? There is only one choice necessary to align your consciousness with Christ's. On this day, at this time, in this way it will be like no other. You are about to passover the problem which has plagued your beloved planet from the inception of The Plan to populate her--free will.

Free will is now wholly in service to the choice for Creation, Consciousness and the Transcendance of opposites. You are free from the trance of death and the delusion of suffering. Sense this Truth on this day so strongly that doubt, like a shadow, may be dispelled by the arisen Son. Be done with illusion fully and finally free yourself from your self imposed cross of confusion. Do this by simply saying "I choose to see the Truth of the Resurrection/(reality) rather than the Illusion of the Cruxifiction/(contraction). You will be instantly granted the gift for which Christ willingly sacrificed Himself--transcendence from form into everlasting freedom. Away from the suffering of hell into the holiness of heaven held within you ever moment of existence.

Now is your moment, here is the place, you are the power and the presence, the entire cosmos is celebrating your success. Thank you for Being. Happy Easter beloved, now go and watch the son arise in awe and witness who you really are.

(A message received by Dorien 5am on Easter Morning)

Saturday, 24 February 2007