Monday, 10 September 2007

Good morning beloved. As always we are glad to be in communion. Everyone is always having the experience they have chosen as a consequence of previous choices. There are no exceptions on earth, but the time lags between choice and consequence can appear to contradict this. Rest assured, it is as predictable as a mathematical equation. If you do not enjoy or no longer resonate with the results you are currently experiencing then change the consciousness that controls and ultimately calls them to you.

The world is not getting better. There can be no progress in hell. There can be no real progress in a place where the collective conscience is quite literally consumed by scarcity regardless of how much material substance it continues to make. It is a black hole sucking those things that allow the ego to exchange your energy for its gratification. How horrific! How terrible! What shall we do? Laugh, really only laugh. It is a great cosmic joke, so relax and enjoy it all. In Reality, of course, nothing comes of anything here, and none of this has ever even happened. But that does not mean your choices do not count. On the contrary, beloved, Trine is learning to modulate her harmonic resonance in extreme situations, rather than allowing the extremes of her situations to modulate her harmonics.

This is for certain: there is no failure possible, all things are moving toward what is meaningful and most valuable for the evolution of the entirety of earth as well as each individual consciousness. You cannot ever be abandoned, but you are always free to deny your true nature and natural inclinations--for a while. The most essential lesson in life is learning what is true, and what is real.

This is your journey and nothing can ever be wrong. How you choose to accomplish this is always your decision. You have chosen to dive deeply into each experience and eventually each will serve to enlighten you. Everyone on earth is looking and longing for heaven, a place that feels like home here now to your Being. Your wisdom, your way is unique. You cannot preempt your own path. You will prevail, beloved, but not without the battle scares that are visible and will remind you of which way illusion lies and reality rests...assured.

Only one lesson is left--to trust your True Self, to love yourself deeply and completely regardless of the circumstances. Reality re orders around this Truth. All else is illusion, only love lives.

When i said I AM the Way, the Truth and the Light. I meant it literally I AM is the Self illuminated, elevated, and celebrated.


Now you have the beginning place, the starting point of what would be worthy of you and your Source to share with a world of your making. Awaken first to your own Isness in this moment and make that sufficient. The ego wants impressive, impossible, grandiose gestures of giving. But this sets up a sense of never being satisfied. Instead, simply be wholly and truly present to the goodness of this second. Become holy immersed in the sufficiency regardless of the illusion of suffering and sacrifice that stares you in the face.

If it feels in any way like a sacrifice to give, then this cannot be the space from which you share. Find your own sufficiency, your true fullness, your being and then share this. To become a being of sharing? What does this mean? Literally, to share your Source of Being. Be as you are and know that this is enough. Love the self unconditionally, unceaslingly and for one holy instant feel eternity as I AM. This then can be safely shared as a spilling over of Sourceness.

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