Saturday, 12 May 2007

All about animals

Beloved, these are questions which have concerned kind and conscious people on your planet forever. Do animals have an evolving soul? Do they reincarnate? What is our obligation to them?

Firstly, we will say that humans have it backwards in their exaggerated sense of self importance concerning the care and attention shown to their pets. Animals are uniquely able to and prefer to provide for themselves. They are designed by God to thrive on earth's nature. They have their own ways and when not preempted or interfered with it serves then better than humans can possible imagine. They know who they are. They have their own ways.

If you would but watch without a need from the ego to intervene or interpret, you would all be given a superb lesson in the simplicity inherent in the cycle of life without suffering. But all too often there is an unconscious and compulsory addiction on your part to project your own unintegrated needs and neurosis onto your pets. In other words the way you relate to and perceive your pets are just plain silly. In most cases this causes no serious problems and most often animals are only too happy to oblige and indulge your sentimental fantasies since it seems to mean so much to you.

Animals, all animals are more evolved than your own species. They are masters of being in the moment, they are masters of absolute acceptance of what IS, they are capable of pure unconditional love, while simultaneously being totally detached, ruthlessly honest and taking nothing personally.

Yet your own social conditioning causes them confusion and often they are forced to take own your own emotional neurosis. Yet it is their very nature and sense of freedom which instinctively draws you to them. How amusing then to watch as you confine and domesticate their essence.

Pele came to you during a time of intense internal struggle so that you might have a friend who personified wildness and abandon. These qualities were needed in you to balance your intense sense of obligation and duty. Pele was brought to you as a balance to your very being. You know in your heart in ways not always acknowledged that you are both complete. He is clearer than you. He is showing you that it is time to take care of yourself and to stop trying to save those who are fully able to fend for themselves.

Trust that what you feel so strongly in yourself is being communicated telepathically by him. Write down all the attributes and characteristics he has brought into your life and through your time together. These are what you are to take with you. Pele has provided you with soul shifting service. He is asking to be free and to find his own nature in his own ways. He will not suffer in this separation only your sense of sentimentality will do that.

It is time to let go of what you can no longer, and never have been able to control. It is time to pull back your own projections and simply allow all things to Be as they are. Let them teach you instead of you taking care of them. It is time to let things BE.

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