Saturday, 19 May 2007

Two minutes away from Heaven

Good morning beloved. We would again like to reiterate the reason that God does not judge you EVER... is because you literally cannot be seen in any way other than the one in which you were created. You were created in God;s image.. unconditional innocence.

NOthing is missing from you and every aspect of your being is already Holy as I Am. Yet your power is so absolute that what ever you say or experience about your self is so. This gap between your perceived personality and your true identity is the abyss conceived of by the ego to convince you of the separation between self and your own eternal Source.

It is this illusionary image rather than your real identity that the ego must continually feed with false evidence if it is to remain in control of your consciousness. It would have you believe that you must run from the very thing for which you search and has the capacity to restore you. This is a wholly insane cycle that must stop.

Stop the insatiable need to seek relief outside of your self and instead simply stop every impulse to run, to indulge, to react, to resist.Sit still for two minutes. Within that two minutes you will witness what is actually occurring and who it is that has for your entire life been directing you. It is a simple and enormously effective means of deconstructing the ego while simultaneously restore you back to your Source of sanity.

Free will is the great gift given by God. We beseech you to explore this alternative to the ego's insistence that you indulge its demands distraction. Take this Holy break and become free. You are only two minutes away from everything you have ever wanted. Whenever you hear that voice which overrides your own internal knowingness, simply stop for two minutes and witness a release from resistance and a restoration of reality.

When that intolerable internal feeling of wrongness begins to be felt and then the command comes to drink, smoke, eat, drug, speak, spend, react, and generally run from it, instead STOP and Question the validity of that voice. Stop, be still, sense the feeling fully and allow this fearless confrontation to actually consume the enemy within. It will be a painful process for two minutes as the ego struggles to resume its domination and control. After two minutes you will be free to choose a better way.

This is the simple solution to the self sabotaging source of all your suffering. Within two minutes your wholeness and true identity will be restored. It is time to stop your individually indulged dramatic hysterics that are responsible for the plague of rage upon this planet.
Refuse to add one more ounce of reactive energy to the already over burden collective consciousness responsible for the epidemic egoic excesses and atrocities that are threatening all life.

It is time to courageously confront what has driven you away from a Source within which has the power to save you. This two minute reprieve can deliver you from the self imposed hell of an insatiable ego to the peace of true presence. Stop and see what happens.
You can do it;
we can help.

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