Saturday, 21 April 2007

GPS directional Systems

Good morning beloved.

We can feel your resistance to writing, to going back to a Source you are not sure of, and that the world will not validate. But, beloved which One will you choose? Did you seriously think in the coming days of consequences for choices taken on earth, you would not be called to take a stand? Your most cherished beliefs are about to be challenged for the purpose of transformational change. You are about to be asked to become accountable to either the light or the darkness in an attempt to see another way of being. You are about to be asked to disregard the most horrific illusion imaginable spawned out of an insatiable ego in favor of the resonance of reality you wish to be real. In other words, what is it you will empower with your energy?

You can feel it in your heart. You can feel it in every fiber of your Being. You have been in training for this precise and pivotal moment. What did you think you were doing with all your growth groups, yoga, meditation, and books? You are about to do battle with the Opponent within yourself.

Unconditional love is not an easy, sentimental experience. Nor is it an excuse for behavior which does not uphold the highest integrity of the entity. It is not a free pass from the consequences of actions chosen. It is an invitation extended by the Divine in service to the Truth of who you ultimately are. God does not judge you because God cannot see you in any other way than the one in which you were It is easy to love without judgement when every aspect of your being not in keeping with your divine nature is rendered invisible.

Each and every one of you have a moral responsibility to be a loving parent to your bodies and to nurture the essence of the life force living through you in this incarnation. This is the minimum daily requirement and everything on earth is ultimately attempting to assist you in this endeavor. Do not intervene in Trine's attempt to assist herself. Trine is your addiction, she is your distraction; do not feed it, and do not indulge it. Instead, stay still and see what is real.

Did you seriously think your test in the desert would be a group of seductive dancing girls? The ego is insidious, it knows where you are the weakest and most vulnerable. It invokes the greatest illusion in order to entice you into its web of deception. This is your test. Trust yourself. Trust God. Trust Trine. If you empower her own perception as someone who is constantly in need, she will by law, have to validate this expectation through her experience.

It is time to let everyone own the consequences of their egoic experiences. This you do not in judgement or with a sense of superiority, but as a natural process of evolution toward their own enlightenment. How do you know what is needed? You can only know what you need. A good mother supports the strongest love and the absolute knowing that her child is with God at all times. Letting go and allowing everyone to experience what ever it is they need in order to evolve into who they truly are, is unconditional love.

Trine is not your daughter, she is a child of God. Do not give her an inferior identity just because you are unable to ignore your guilt. Guilt is the egos version of love. Can you really be thinking of walking into hell with the resonance you hold? If you go you will be acknowledging and validating the ego's illusion of hell for not only Trine, but all those who are held hostage with her.

Instead, wait and see what happens if you hold a space in heaven as a sanctuary extended through peace. Heaven is always available, but not all are ready to receive it. This then is the entire purpose of the world, to ready you for what is real. Heaven, is a choice that must be valued. Unconditional love is selfless, it has no expectations of outcomes and takes no actions for or against anything. Ultimately it is in service to the evolving soul but, always at the expense of the egoic small self.

Stand strong in heaven and from here extend a hand into hell. Like a gpa system that gives directions to those who are lost, you must be in a place of certainty about the destination. Get comfortable beloved, you are about to be crucified by your conditioning and those who uphold the illusion.

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