Saturday, 14 April 2007

Unending unconditional eternally evolving love

Again we are gladdened to be with you. The intensity you experience each moment is a result of your own past conditioning. This is another way of saying you are trapped by what you have previously experienced, imprisoned by what you perceive rather than directly experiencing the reality that is always also available. This is the dilemma of density and also the very purpose of your existence this lifetime; undoing this unconscious conspiracy with the ego and healing the world of the collateral damage it has caused.

The way this is accomplished is simply to stand back, distancing yourself from what appears to be so real, but is actually only a residual of the past, and allow the Holy Spirit (your authentic self) to orchestrate an intervention of sanity. One second of clarity can shift the entire sequence of events creating sufficient space so that sanity is restored/resurrected. First, you need only accept unconditionally "what is". Acknowledge it as it is without ego interference and insistance that it is unaccpetable. Then when that peace of non resistance occurs, who you really are is freed from the prison of previous conditioning to see it differently and choose again. This is where miracles reside. Now you have an opportunity to open to Truth and invoke a new beginning; another way of Being.

This becomes the Crossway in the Trine at the Center of the Spiral that gives you the ability to ascend from the density of the dead past. You are literally lifting your DNA up from a downward depressive decline, into an upward ascension climb. Every time you choose again rather than allowing the ego to react unconsciously from it's previously conditioned behavior you have freed, not only yourself, but simultaneously are in service to the whole of the unseen.

This is no small feat, not an undertaking for the weak of heart, or the anemic of spirit. Therefore, expect to be met with huge opposition, not by any force outside of yourself, but by the Opponent within. You cannot fail, however, for your freedom and ultimate victory have always been assured. Know This; the outcome is no longer in doubt. Access that knowingness within that you are moving toward a future already foretold. See the end first and then ask yourself what steps should/would/could be taken to arrive at that destination.

So, in this scenario, the ends not only justify the means and methods, they are actually shaped from them. The only difference NOW is that the goal is Creational in Nature; peace, joy, health, happiness and a deep desire to share it with all. In short moving toward God, Here the ends and the means of their manifestation must be One. No separation between means and ends are possible on the plane where this plan prevails. Therefore when these are your only goals you simply surrender your small self to a greater guidance system that is eternally preset to yours and everyone else's Highest Good regardless of what the appearance to the contrary may be.Shut your eyes and sense within what is so. See the vision from within and then ACT in alignment with the VIBRATION of that outcome.

You can do it,
we can help,
home is here now,
choose again and
free yourself to see
what is real.

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