Monday, 28 May 2007

All Isness is Oneness

Good morning Beloved. Oneness is now the only way up and out. Joining with all that appears to be other than you brings you both back to being whole and holds the resonance for which you have always longed...home. Home is not a place or a destination it is a dedicated quality, a feeling tone from which everything is balanced within your being.

The egos entire existence is formed from out of a sense of separation. It achieves this separation through judgement that leads to a sense of superiority. Yet this is such insanity because beloved, you cannot be better than the essence of your own Being. Everything you perceive is part and parcel, wave and particle, essence and substance of yourself.

One Source, one self seeing it all as something separate and apart. The ego enjoys your consternation and confusion. It continuously feeds your sense of suspicion of all the myriad reflective pieces called by you as "other people" so that it can remain your sole advisor.

If you wish to remain in hell then by all means continue listening to how to live from the guidance given by the ego. In truth it is not serious, except for your own endless struggle and self imposed suffering. Actually, if you could distance yourself sufficiently you would find it amusing to watch as you are repeatedly repelled by the parts of yourself projected outward and then reacting as if you do not remember who you are and that this is a reality you yourself have chosen.

You know how funny it is at first when someone ties a can to a dogs tail and the dog then reacts trying to get away from itself. The faster it goes the more the struggle the more insane it appears and the more frightened the dog becomes. But help cannot intervene until it is exhausted and stops running. At a certain point, of course, it is no longer amusing. You and all your reflective pieces of this reality are at that precise point.

This is why you and Trine and David are in an experience that appears to be, by society's standards, without benefit of reward or recognition. Of course, precisely the opposite is true, it is an opportunity to know that there are no distinctions or hierarchies in these positions. Humility happens when external appearances are dropped and recognition of the self is seen in everyone and everything.

Wholeness is all you have ever wanted, yet separation is all you are ever allowed to see. Let yourself stop so you can let the Truth sink in. Ego insists you become "some body" in order to maintain its' illusion of superior separation, but always there is the underlying feeling of never Being good enough. It is essential that you instead feel yourself as already and always good enough in every situation so that you become the reflection for others of their own perfection regardless of the circumstances which appear to separate and seem to humiliate you.

Drop and join, be present and grateful, whole and humble, here and now...Home.

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