Reading and working with Unbound is an exciting adventure, an expedition of the soul in which you forever unbind your spirit and learn to soar. It is a journey of discovery. Unbound has the uncanny ability to change your life forever. There is a mystery and a power in these words, a profound wisdom that penetrates your being. I have never been the same since reading Unbound and I continue to read and re-read it. I have read it with a group of friends where we read a chapter a week and then "worked" on the focus exercises. It is the most amazingingly powerful book I have ever read and I feel lucky to have discovered it. Unbound is like a good loaf of bread. It will feed your soul no matter at what stage of life you find yourself, it will rise to meet you wherever you are, it will fill you. Donna, England
Life Changing....
When someone gave me a copy of this book I flicked through the pages and picked out the chapters which appealed to me at the time. It was a bit deep and confusing for me as am a mere beginner in understanding the spiritual world. Once I read this book I was hooked! - The content is real, powerful and life transforming. It teaches you to understand and recognise the power of the Ego and how this impacts your life - And how to learn to use it to your advantage for the future. Superb and highly recommended - Janet, Thailand
This book is my bible. I t has delivered me into transformation again and again. It is a blessing, and it should be given and received by everyone. I believe in these words, they are my life line to sanity in these times of turbulence. It is awesome. A joy to be alive. And a joy to be the daughter of this extraordinary writer and woman Dorien Israel. - Trine, California
Great Book that will be around forvever....This book change my life-The ego must be dealt with to move forward on your spirtual path.Expections must be viewed so you will not set your self up for failure!!! 5 stars KUDOS!!!
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