Welcome back beloved to the place where it all truly began. It is here where you were willing to cast yourself off the cliff and into the abyss of the unknown, leaving behind a conventional life littered with unquestioned cultural conditioning.
It is amusing, is it not, how this Asian island which once was so alien to you, has now imported the very persona and flavor of the place you left. The simplicity and serenity originally found on this remote beach over a decade ago, has now been replaced with the competition and stress that comes with the ways of working in the western world.
The ill-usions of that world are intensifying for those who have not honored their inner vision and set their insights on what within is of real value. Their dissatisfaction grows daily, while the necessary need for detachment becomes more difficult. They are caught in their compulsions to status and security.
But for those who have had their real-eyes opened they are beginning to peer behind the scenes and to notice how flimsy the sets and props are in this play of the world. The value of this true perception is a sense of clarity in the midst of this mind-made chaos. It is this perception that is capable of cutting, like a laser, through the sheer veneer of illusion pretending to be the solid stuff of reality. See for yourself. Start to still your senses and stop distracting yourself sufficiently so you might see what stands beyond this man-made madness.
Peace is not only your nature, beloved; it is also your purpose. As your nature, Peace is synonymous with Presence, Allowance and Contentment. But, as your purpose, peace becomes an all-consuming proposition. Peace literally has the power to eat up illusion. Peace provides the spaciousness inside self where polarity can heal back into unity.
This is a process of dis-illusionment. To become so personally disillusioned with the ways the world is working that you willingly withdraw your time, attention, and energy to its continuation. This is your real job description; healing the world through nothing more than the wholeness of who you are.
Confronting illusion with nothing more than your consciousness, takes enormous courage. Peace is not the passive process you have previously believed it to be. It is the full engagement of your entire Being.
Illusion gains its strength through your physical interactions (positive or negative) with it and emotional reactions (positive or negative) to it. So you cannot fight for or against and illusion for it feds on your focus.
Love lets all things be as they are by letting them go. Love allows anything that has momentarily forgotten its true identity to be restored back to its Original Source, by releasing resistance. Since every aspect of experience on earth has been created from out of your estranged Essence, it is now essential to your Ascension process that these orphaned projections be.
You want enlightenment? Ascension? A new earth? Then transform your perception of reality with the consciousness that created it in the first place. Let go in love. Each time you do so, you deliver a fragment of your separated self back to your shared Source. Heaven and earth, here and now, all you need do is forever hold your peace.
I get awoken early in the morning, around 4:30 a.m. and receive this writing. Being a channel is not the glamorous job it was supposed to be. I’ve been available to receive these messages for more than 25 years. I figure I’ve lost a lot of sleep during that time. It appears I don’t have a choice, although they tell me I do.
If I try to roll back over and go to sleep disregarding the communication it just plays over and over in my head until I reluctantly reach for the pad of paper and pen I always have by the bed and begin to transcribe it. Then, after about 30 or 40 minutes it feels finished. No more words are coming. I am infused with a feeling of supreme satisfaction. But by that time I’m wide-awake anyway.
Later in the day I may re read the writings or I may not think to pick them up for weeks. When I do re read them I feel amazed by the clarity, content, and sense of intense well-being. At that point I always feel enormous gratitude that I get to do this job… of course this usually much later in the day, after I’ve taken a nap.
Today “they” (25 years ago when I was first contacted after a near-death experience (see the introduction to the first book Unbound for that story) “they” did not refer to themselves in the singular, me/I/him/her, or by a particular name, but rather as a conglomerate energy force identified as Christ Consciousness us/we. I can tell you that as a Jew (non practicing), wife, mother (practicing) when Christ Consciousness was announced as the author of these messages it might surprise you but I was less than thrilled.
In truth I hid these messages for months, not daring to share them with family or friends for fear of being considered seriously deranged or mildly schizophrenic. This is all past history, but relevant for what “they” are saying). are referencing the fact that I have just returned home to my small bungalow on an island in the south of Thailand after being away for a few months visiting my mother and daughter in the U.S.
The changes that have occurred to this remote island over the past decade that I’ve been living here are unimaginable. When I first arrived on the beach in 1997, walking out of a solid 32 year marriage and away from a life of status and privilege, there was less than nothing of “the world” here; no TV, radio, newspapers, telephones, DVD’s, no hot water, flushing toilets and no electricity much of the time. There were, however, spiders the size of dinner plates, deadly cobras, scorpions and vicious wild dogs that defended their territories to the death.
But, naturally, there were also breathtaking, sunrises and sunsets, tropical palm trees and an ocean less than 10 feet from a very primitive hut I called my first home. YIKES. I had to find a whole new way of being, and of course that was the purpose of my move. In the beginning I felt like I had literally landed on another planet and so it made perfect sense that the Thai government considered me an alien.
I did not come to this island with a lot of romantic notions of escaping the complexity and competition of western civilization in favor of the simplicity of a native paradise. I came here as a last resort, an ultimatum to the universe, a shaking of my fist at existence, the drawing of a spiritual line in the sand.
Show me your fucking face God or I’m going to kill myself. At that time I still existed under the serious misconception that God cared about what form this body called Dorien might decide to take. HA! Death as our final exit; God’s greatest source of laughter.
And I am happy to report I didn’t have to kill myself, (nor was the “goodness we call God” so offended by my language that I was smote down as punishment) and that God does indeed exist, just not as previously pictured by this personality called me. More illusions bite the dust. I was becoming dis-illusioned daily.
On the personality level it seems that is my job description; confront illusions that lie (optimal word) inside this mind as unquestioned assumptions, beliefs, opinions, and expectations. Pretty exhausting work considering this could also be considered the very definition of Dorien.
Which gets us back to the beginning of today’s writing which seems to be referencing how the western ways have found a new home even here in this once “backward beach”. When I moved here the Thai people had never heard of hamburgers, now we have MacDonald’s and Burger King. When I moved here I could only get instant Nescafe in a cup of luke warm water, now we have Starbucks and Black Canyon Coffee. When I first moved here…well you get the picture.
So the writing is talking about the confronting of illusion through the extending of personal peace. It’s saying that whatever we see outside of ourselves and judge as unacceptable are our orphans or estranged aspects of our own Essence. This, of course, is the definition of projection. Not much new here unless you are willing to walk your talk and cannibalize your own unconscious creations. That could be news on the groovy spiritual love, and light path.
It’s possibly time to call these outcasts home back to the heart of us. The way to do that is through spacious acceptance or love, rather than any reactive or interactive expression. Easier said than done, since “who I think I am” Dorien as ego identity, is primarily a reactive, judgmental, righteous personality, with an overriding impulse to correct and control. Now don’t confuse this honest assessment for low self-esteem. I deeply, completely love myself as I AM.
I learned this lesson of true love the old fashion way…I sat alone on a beach without one worldly distraction and I cried so hard I would throw up. What was under that were all my unexamined fears, doubts, despair, delusional thoughts, uncontrollable emotions, dashed dreams, and unfilled desires and I let them kill “me”.
After nearly four years of this complete annilahation of identity, I was ready to really release the last vestiges of what I believed to be my hold on sanity. It’s been said that when the student is really ready…a six-foot tall, Dutch woman in a red bathing suit walking with the aid of a crutch will be visiting your beach from India. She looked into my eyes and asked me a very simple question, the answer to which ruined “me” forever. “Are you really ready to know who you are? Do you really want to find God”
Taro and I sat and investigated together (Satsung) as she pointed to the Truth of Who I Am. What I found was Nothing. I wasn’t a nothing, I was the nothing. Spacious awareness; Presence as direct experience, moment-to-moment ISNESS. Well that was cool, but now what?
How does Presence provide peace through the contraction called Dorien in Samui? Ummmm. It appears as an ongoing willingness to open to what is, while who I AM consciously chooses not to feed the reactive patterns perceived as a separate “myself”.
Now, if you ask me how I’m doing in this job I’d have to say…to be continued (eternally).
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Linear Time to Eternal Nowness
Good morning beloved. The illusion of time as the linear progression of your current experience is in the process of accelerating. This is probably not news to you. The reason this is occurring is due to more and more people being willing to reside in the reality of eternity within every moment. Pay attention to this extraordinary event as it plays out in your own life. The hours of your days, the days of your weeks, the weeks of your months and the months of your years, years of your decades are all speeding up, while the moments of your being are beginning to truly slow down into the eternal nowness where unity rests. The fragmentation of time into arbitrary segments is symbolic of the sickness of separation that the psyche is so attached to. You believe that the dissecting of time into these pieces is benign, but do not be deceived, for it is the major means the mind has of promoting the illusion of future fear and past guilt. By separating your sense of wholeness and continuity to the never ending hereness now where all freedom resides you become vulnerable to the illusion of aging, disease and death. Yet, it is vital to recognize within yourself what it is you really value and where it is you place your time, attention, belief and so choose to create your reality. This picture will not be pretty, for the mind is capable of using time to conveniently cover up its own hostile-to-life thoughts through the fragmentation and pretense of the passing of time. It cuts you off from the clarity that comes from your seeing that thoughts have natural consequences. It is time beloved to grow up spiritually and take responsibility for what has been spawned in the world out of your own ignorance and denial. Does this feel like a reprimand? are you ready to justify, defend, attack? Witness what arises within the emotional body when your personality is redressed. How can reality be restored if it is continuously perceived as an assault? This is not who you are and yet any personal pain is perceived as a threat by the false personality. Begin to identify that you are on the right track of slaying the separated self any "time" the personality feels wounded and wants to initiate a reaction of defense or attack. Hurrah! Now it is truly time to annihilate the non existent ego who has run and ruined your real life by feeding you lies of who the enemy actually is. Annihilation of this false self is a simple process of standing still in the midst of its shrieks of outrage and indignation over any perceived pain. Its orders will be to "do something, anything" to distract you into protecting the sanctity of separation that it fosters. Instead, stand still, stay present and see that what is released after the burn of fury. The Truth you share with Eternity itself will be revealed. Each moment you are given a gift of opportunity to choose heaven or hell disguised by the mind as the appearance of "making it pretty" or the feeling of "what is real". Heaven is a constant choice to be conscious here and now at the expense of the ego's fearful imaginings of a non existent future. Peace is not the product, it is the entire process. Joy is the not the goal, it is the whole game. Freedom is not the prize it's your essence. Stay still long enough (no time required) to sense (seriously) the essence that exists eternally in every second as the Trinity of Being the Truth of Who you Are: Peace, Joy, Freedom. Do not make a move outwardly until you can feel from within your authentic nature as peace, joy, and freedom effortlessly now, and now and now and now. You think that expressing Truth is hard to do? You should try denying it for millennium! Your liberation and the world's are one. These are not just words they are the Way to the One I AM.
Linear Time to Eternal Nowness
Good morning beloved. The illusion of time as the linear progression of your current experience is in the process of accelerating. This is probably not news to you. The reason this is occurring is due to more and more people being willing to reside in the reality of eternity within every moment. Pay attention to this extraordinary event as it plays out in your own life. The hours of your days, the days of your weeks, the weeks of your months and the months of your years, years of your decades are all speeding up, while the moments of your being are beginning to truly slow down into the eternal nowness where unity rests. The fragmentation of time into arbitrary segments is symbolic of the sickness of separation that the psyche is so attached to. You believe that the dissecting of time into these pieces is benign, but do not be deceived, for it is the major means the mind has of promoting the illusion of future fear and past guilt. By separating your sense of wholeness and continuity to the never ending hereness now where all freedom resides you become vulnerable to the illusion of aging, disease and death. Yet, it is vital to recognize within yourself what it is you really value and where it is you place your time, attention, belief and so choose to create your reality. This picture will not be pretty, for the mind is capable of using time to conveniently cover up its own hostile-to-life thoughts through the fragmentation and pretense of the passing of time. It cuts you off from the clarity that comes from your seeing that thoughts have natural consequences. It is time beloved to grow up spiritually and take responsibility for what has been spawned in the world out of your own ignorance and denial. Does this feel like a reprimand? are you ready to justify, defend, attack? Witness what arises within the emotional body when your personality is redressed. How can reality be restored if it is continuously perceived as an assault? This is not who you are and yet any personal pain is perceived as a threat by the false personality. Begin to identify that you are on the right track of slaying the separated self any "time" the personality feels wounded and wants to initiate a reaction of defense or attack. Hurrah! Now it is truly time to annihilate the non existent ego who has run and ruined your real life by feeding you lies of who the enemy actually is. Annihilation of this false self is a simple process of standing still in the midst of its shrieks of outrage and indignation over any perceived pain. Its orders will be to "do something, anything" to distract you into protecting the sanctity of separation that it fosters. Instead, stand still, stay present and see that what is released after the burn of fury. The Truth you share with Eternity itself will be revealed. Each moment you are given a gift of opportunity to choose heaven or hell disguised by the mind as the appearance of "making it pretty" or the feeling of "what is real". Heaven is a constant choice to be conscious here and now at the expense of the ego's fearful imaginings of a non existent future. Peace is not the product, it is the entire process. Joy is the not the goal, it is the whole game. Freedom is not the prize it's your essence. Stay still long enough (no time required) to sense (seriously) the essence that exists eternally in every second as the Trinity of Being the Truth of Who you Are: Peace, Joy, Freedom. Do not make a move outwardly until you can feel from within your authentic nature as peace, joy, and freedom effortlessly now, and now and now and now. You think that expressing Truth is hard to do? You should try denying it for millennium! Your liberation and the world's are one. These are not just words they are the Way to the One I AM.
Sunday, 10 February 2008
A Message of Meaning in Love
Good morning beloved, we appreciate what our vehicle, your mother and the vessel of light for the world is telling you, however we would like to simplify the solution and the message: "give no attention at all to anything you do not wish to be in and of your experience".
Truly this is a time on your plane where previously perceived aspects will be projected as/into your "apparent" present. BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE. This cannot happen to anyone who has elevated their vibration. YOU, beloved, are already gone--vibrationally you are literally unavailable to these aberrations/illusions. The only way to lower your vibration and provide a point of impact is to focus your attention in fear into the physical.
The reason the electronic device is being used is because it alone is capable of tracking higher frequencies. They are unable to contact you physically unless you allow it to occur THROUGH your concurrence. If you concur with them, if you believe what they are saying, or that you are guilty, or deserve this experience, you are then in vibrational agreement and so engagement is possible in the present.
You are all about to witness the consequences of the collective unconscious of your planet, so it is imperative that you peer past these seemingly solid manifestations into The Presence. The Presence is where "What Once Was" has no place in "What Is". Here and now can hold no harm.
This is the mantra of dematerialization: "what once was has no place in "what is i release you to the light of Life I am living Now." Take an old garment and step out of it leaving it on the floor as you walk toward and simply slip into something more comfortable, more suitable. It is a ritual.
Then it must be followed by authentic enthusiasm for all you have now by being in alignment (vibrational/emotional resonance) with ALL THAT IS/YOUR SOURCE/YOURSELF. Feel good beloved about all you have been through. Medication is a blessing that modulates the mood swings of the conditioned ego's need to control. We only strongly suggest you surrender into the peaceful place that you have earned through such struggle.It is not forever, but it is valuable for this moment.
Design your destiny through your desire. What do you want to occur (especially in the experience you are confronting)? See it, sense it and stop speaking energizing emotionalizing it into being. You have done all the practical and proper procedures. Now simply place your attention not on what appears real, but rather on the Way you want it to be.
The power of Presence is that it puts your personality beyond a place of polarity. Transcendence is a field of pure potentiality where you consciously choose your creations called external reality. This shift from victim to deliberate intender with the potential to impart results is sufficient to alter every aspect of reality. For humans to recognize their own responsibility to reorganize reality is the most magnificent discovery upon your planet EVER. Longing, then loving, then literally letting it BE.
You are loved for all you are modeling and making manifest in the world. It does not have to be difficult. Know you have already arrived at the place you are destined to BE. Yea, though you walk through the valley of the SHADOW of death, I am with you. Do not doubt. Do your part. Temporarily modulate through medication. Stabilize your True Self. You are loved beyond measure. Let others speak to you of this truth. Turn your attention towards only what uplifts you, rather than lowers your light to the level of lies. You are free forever. The purpose of this life is to live it happily, wholly and healthily. This is the only model that has any meaning. Be the Truth you wish the world would reflect. All is well all is well all is well.
Truly this is a time on your plane where previously perceived aspects will be projected as/into your "apparent" present. BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE. This cannot happen to anyone who has elevated their vibration. YOU, beloved, are already gone--vibrationally you are literally unavailable to these aberrations/illusions. The only way to lower your vibration and provide a point of impact is to focus your attention in fear into the physical.
The reason the electronic device is being used is because it alone is capable of tracking higher frequencies. They are unable to contact you physically unless you allow it to occur THROUGH your concurrence. If you concur with them, if you believe what they are saying, or that you are guilty, or deserve this experience, you are then in vibrational agreement and so engagement is possible in the present.
You are all about to witness the consequences of the collective unconscious of your planet, so it is imperative that you peer past these seemingly solid manifestations into The Presence. The Presence is where "What Once Was" has no place in "What Is". Here and now can hold no harm.
This is the mantra of dematerialization: "what once was has no place in "what is i release you to the light of Life I am living Now." Take an old garment and step out of it leaving it on the floor as you walk toward and simply slip into something more comfortable, more suitable. It is a ritual.
Then it must be followed by authentic enthusiasm for all you have now by being in alignment (vibrational/emotional resonance) with ALL THAT IS/YOUR SOURCE/YOURSELF. Feel good beloved about all you have been through. Medication is a blessing that modulates the mood swings of the conditioned ego's need to control. We only strongly suggest you surrender into the peaceful place that you have earned through such struggle.It is not forever, but it is valuable for this moment.
Design your destiny through your desire. What do you want to occur (especially in the experience you are confronting)? See it, sense it and stop speaking energizing emotionalizing it into being. You have done all the practical and proper procedures. Now simply place your attention not on what appears real, but rather on the Way you want it to be.
The power of Presence is that it puts your personality beyond a place of polarity. Transcendence is a field of pure potentiality where you consciously choose your creations called external reality. This shift from victim to deliberate intender with the potential to impart results is sufficient to alter every aspect of reality. For humans to recognize their own responsibility to reorganize reality is the most magnificent discovery upon your planet EVER. Longing, then loving, then literally letting it BE.
You are loved for all you are modeling and making manifest in the world. It does not have to be difficult. Know you have already arrived at the place you are destined to BE. Yea, though you walk through the valley of the SHADOW of death, I am with you. Do not doubt. Do your part. Temporarily modulate through medication. Stabilize your True Self. You are loved beyond measure. Let others speak to you of this truth. Turn your attention towards only what uplifts you, rather than lowers your light to the level of lies. You are free forever. The purpose of this life is to live it happily, wholly and healthily. This is the only model that has any meaning. Be the Truth you wish the world would reflect. All is well all is well all is well.
Friday, 8 February 2008
Unbound....The Cycle Of Ascendancy

Reading and working with Unbound is an exciting adventure, an expedition of the soul in which you forever unbind your spirit and learn to soar. It is a journey of discovery. Unbound has the uncanny ability to change your life forever. There is a mystery and a power in these words, a profound wisdom that penetrates your being. I have never been the same since reading Unbound and I continue to read and re-read it. I have read it with a group of friends where we read a chapter a week and then "worked" on the focus exercises. It is the most amazingingly powerful book I have ever read and I feel lucky to have discovered it. Unbound is like a good loaf of bread. It will feed your soul no matter at what stage of life you find yourself, it will rise to meet you wherever you are, it will fill you. Donna, England
Life Changing....
When someone gave me a copy of this book I flicked through the pages and picked out the chapters which appealed to me at the time. It was a bit deep and confusing for me as am a mere beginner in understanding the spiritual world. Once I read this book I was hooked! - The content is real, powerful and life transforming. It teaches you to understand and recognise the power of the Ego and how this impacts your life - And how to learn to use it to your advantage for the future. Superb and highly recommended - Janet, Thailand
This book is my bible. I t has delivered me into transformation again and again. It is a blessing, and it should be given and received by everyone. I believe in these words, they are my life line to sanity in these times of turbulence. It is awesome. A joy to be alive. And a joy to be the daughter of this extraordinary writer and woman Dorien Israel. - Trine, California
Great Book that will be around forvever....This book change my life-The ego must be dealt with to move forward on your spirtual path.Expections must be viewed so you will not set your self up for failure!!! 5 stars KUDOS!!!
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Coming Soon By Dorien Israel
BODYLOVE ..........
Yet another amazing book by Dorien Israel perfect for the ever increasing obsession of the world today of how perfect our bodies should be.
Dorien takes us "inside" of our bodies and shows us this is the ONLY PLACE where we can make al the changes we need to our bodies - on any level -
Yet another amazing book by Dorien Israel perfect for the ever increasing obsession of the world today of how perfect our bodies should be.
Dorien takes us "inside" of our bodies and shows us this is the ONLY PLACE where we can make al the changes we need to our bodies - on any level -
Saturday, 29 September 2007
Bungalow Rental Koh Samui Thailand
For just 1,000 baht a night you can rent a gorgeous basic beachfront location on the idyllic beach of Ban Po in Koh Samui Thailand. There are no TV's, Phonelines, dvd players etc- But there is all the facilities you can possible need for a relaxing few days break - A hammock, the sea less than 50 metres from your door and a kayak should you feel you need some exercise! - Along the beach are fabulous local restaurants. No need to dress up here, just simply relax and enjoy the experience of living on the beach.
The bungalow is quite popular as it is owned by Dorien, the owner of this blog, so to add to the sensational value of this property is the fact it was previously doriens home for 10 years, so is filled with a beautiful energy -
Dorien lives right next door, so do plan ahead and take the time to have some sessions with her- For more details, visit her website www.becomingunbound.com
I have stayed in this bungalow on many occasions and experienced mind blowing changes to my whole persona after just a couple of days staying there- The beauty, the peace the stillness that comes to life is unbelievable, you have to try it to believe it - And of course my favourite just has to be the hammock, which once you do fathoom out how to get in it, you most certainly will not want to get out of it! -
The bungalow is quite popular as it is owned by Dorien, the owner of this blog, so to add to the sensational value of this property is the fact it was previously doriens home for 10 years, so is filled with a beautiful energy -
Dorien lives right next door, so do plan ahead and take the time to have some sessions with her- For more details, visit her website www.becomingunbound.com
I have stayed in this bungalow on many occasions and experienced mind blowing changes to my whole persona after just a couple of days staying there- The beauty, the peace the stillness that comes to life is unbelievable, you have to try it to believe it - And of course my favourite just has to be the hammock, which once you do fathoom out how to get in it, you most certainly will not want to get out of it! -
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